Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Hallow's Eve

Here are the Joyschool kids in their Halloween Parade. Who knew a parade of 3 could inspire so much joy? They were all dressed like cats, of sorts. We did not even plan that!! (Lydia, Ian, and Ava)

On the real Halloween Ava was a piggy. She has been insisting on it for weeks, but I couldn't find a costume for her. It came down to me spending all day making felt ears, nose, and tail. I was really annoyed when she wouldn't wear the nose after all the ryan and I wore it and took pictures. Ryan looked really creepy in his pictures, like that twilight zone where the people have pig faces, so I am not posting his. Asher was a dinosaur.
Also, check out my new newphew, Darwin. Isn't he the cutest little vampire you've ever seen? I wish I could see him in person, but he lives in Utah.
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My cherubim

This weekend we updated our family picture. As always, it was hard to get a picture of all of us looking good. But Asher was a winner in every shot, even when he was not smiling. Here are a couple of him. And yes, he is as sweet as he looks.

I'm not posting the entire family pics, because maybe I will actually send out my Christmas card this year and you can see it then. Or maybe I'll just do a "Christmas post"

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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Never before caught on film

This smile.
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