Monday, January 28, 2013


Got my hair did. I am enjoying short hair except for that time my aunt and grandparents thought I was a teenage boy on facetime. Even when my mom focused in on my face they were like "who is that boy?". Score one for looking young? Now I am secretly hoping somebody mistakes me for a member of One Direction. Not sure if my jeans are skinny enough, though.

Here is my first selfie!!!!!


Mark and Kim said...

Ha! What a funny story. But seriously, that haircut is amazing. How do you pull off every kind of haircut so well?!!

Kristen said...

Hilarious story, but I think it looks fabulous! :)

Sara said...

Love the haircut AND the story. You are rocking that hair Holly!

Unknown said...

Cute. Cute. Cute. I don't know how u could b mistaken for a boy!